Health and Fitness Mean Healthy Aging

Physical fitness refers to a condition of well-being and health and, more importantly, the capacity to do regular parts of daily activities and sports without injury. Physical fitness is usually achieved through regular physical activity, proper nutrition and adequate rest. The key components of a healthy lifestyle include a balance between the three components of the triangle of life (energy, nutrients and rest) which are all vital for good health. These elements can be enhanced through nutrition, exercise and supplementation. Although a balanced lifestyle is the foundation for a healthy life, there are many other factors that influence health and wellness.

Flexibility exercises develop flexibility in joints and muscles by stretching them, making them more pliable. Stretching is a fundamental component of movement and can involve muscle elongation, range of motion and strength. Muscle tissue is stretched during stretches as the body works to achieve the goal of movement. An individual may have a greater capacity to move his or her arms after stretching than after doing a static exercise or strength training exercise.

Muscular endurance develops strength, power and stamina through repeated contraction of muscles. It is a form of resistance training. It is most often associated with weight lifting or body building but may also come from various other activities such as swimming, sprinting and biking. Muscular endurance depends on the fibers of the muscles being used. It is important to use weight training that engages a wide variety of muscle groups in exercises that are not one-sided to prevent injuries.

Cardiovascular fitness refers to an individual’s ability to maintain normal heart rate, blood pressure and heart function during physical activity. The circulatory system is directly linked to the nervous system and brain. It ensures the safety of the body and is essential to the proper functioning of all organs, tissues and systems. Cardiovascular exercise should be done regularly and at least 30 minutes every day. It improves blood circulation, lowers high blood pressure and increases the pumping of oxygen through the blood.

Nutrition is one of the three key components of fitness. Proper nutrition allows the body to function properly. It refers to the intake of nutrients to promote healthy growth and repair of muscles and tissues. Nutritional needs vary from individual to individual depending on age, sex, general health condition and physical activity level.

The fourth component of fitness relates to your dominant energy system or metabolism. This refers to how well your body utilizes nutrients, converts them into energy and stores fat for later use. There are many factors that influence an individual’s metabolic rate. These include age, sex, body fat content, gender, overall health, physical activity level and genetic makeup.

Fitness is determined by many factors. They include physical appearance, self-image and social identity. Fit people have the confidence to excel in their chosen field. This enhances performance and enhances job satisfaction among employees. The perception of an individual as fit affects his or her self-image and this is considered an important factor affecting fitness.

There are many ways to develop fitness and work out. You can choose among the options like walking, jogging, running, weight training, bicycling, swimming, climbing, skating, riding a treadmill, aerobics, yoga and aerobic dance. Aerobic exercises involve cardiovascular activities that cause oxygen to travel in the blood and increase heart rate and metabolic activity. Cycling, swimming and running are examples of bicycling. Jogging, weight training and weight lifting are examples of weight training. Swimming, climbing and aerobics are examples of aerobics.

Flexibility is an essential component of fitness. It refers to a person’s ability to move freely. There is flexibility in joints and muscles that can allow range of motion without causing pain or restriction. There is a wide range of flexibility from those who have little or no flexibility to the ones who have severe restrictions in their mobility. An individual with good flexibility is able to do many activities without any restrictions while others have poor flexibility and they are unable to do the same tasks that others can.

An individual with a healthy fitness level has improved health, reduces stress, increases stamina, increases health related expectancy and decreases the chance of disability due to age. Health and fitness mean increased vitality, better immune function, reduced illness and increased quality of life. It also means reduced risk of developing diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, hypertension, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.

The fitness routine designed for the body would improve cardiorespiratory endurance and strength. Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability of the heart to pump oxygenated blood and waste materials away from the body. Strength training develops functional capacity while fitness improves strength.